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  • Writer's pictureAbby Prest

Travel into Tomorrow

Updated: Dec 3, 2020

Through beautiful sunsets and glorious coral reefs, Australia, made up of 85% inhabitable lands, is by far one of my favorite places that I have visit.

In our last post, we talked about the truth of a country being masked by its beauty. In some cases this can be a bad thing, but it can also bring more positivity to a culture. When people think of Australia, they tend to think of either the giant spiders and snakes or the beautiful coral reefs and surrounding waters. Now I may be a bit biased as my family lives in Perth, Western Australia, but the adventures that I will share can vouch for my love of the country.


Just lay on your board and feel the waves. Take in all that surrounds you and become one with the ocean.

One thing that I love most about Australia, other than being able to visit my family, is the ocean. I've grown up around the ocean and absolutely love marine life. Whether I am paddle boarding, surfing, playing sand volleyball, or swimming with the fish, the ocean brings me a sense of reassurance. I know that can sound like I'm crazy, but its just like the peace and comfort people get from eating a home cooked meal, reading a book, or listening to music. We all find comfort and reset by doing different activities and I think that it is important to acknowledge and take advantage of these down to earth moments with yourself.

Drone attack!! (fun story that has nothing to do with surfing or the ocean)

Other than the ocean and seeing family, I love the opportunities that Australia presents for residents to hike and explore. Perth, where my family lives, is home to hundreds of hiking trails and excretions. If a man-made trail is not up your ally, the mountains and lookout ocean points are just as fun and a sight that you wouldn't want to miss.

My family loves the lookout points, other than the time that a drone attacked us.

Let me back up and give you context for a second. My mother, father, brother, and I all went to a look out point one day in June of 2016, where we were joined by a group of local professional photographers. These guys were very polite and showed us some of their work. We proceeded to talk to one of the guys for the next 30 minutes while they others assembled a GoPro onto a very expensive looking drone. We watched as the placed the drone on a small rock, ready for launch. The zone started to slowly levitate and move out past the railing of the lookout point towards the ocean, when suddenly it lost control and hit my mom in the head. Don't worry, she was okay, but the drone wasn't in the best condition after its fall. We laughed it off with the guys and let them take pictures of us for a project that they were working on.

Stop and take a look at the beauty surrounding you, but make sure to watch out for drones!

Keeping with the last blog post, I've decided to add a challenge to every blog post from here on out!

I challenge you to take a glimpse at your mental health and take time to address it instead of pushing to the side. It seems like everyone's mental health is getting attacked at the moment, so I promise you when I say that you are not alone. No matter your personal situation, you will get through this. Correction WE will get through this (you're not alone silly). We've got this!!


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